Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Some Days”

Some days you wake up motivated and pumped. You are ready for the day. You have goals, you are self-inspired, you are devoted. Then other days you wake up numb. There is this void, the fear of not knowing what comes next overwhelms you and you would rather sit and binge watch Netflix then study, workout, learn, grow, face others. Yesterday you knew that what you were doing mattered. You knew that it would be important to go after it. You knew what it was that you needed to do. Today is different. You aren't sure at all if what you are doing is ever going to make a difference. You aren't sure if what you say is heard, what you feel is real, and you can't think clearly. I have found that people pursuing something, people who are passionate about living, dreaming, achieving are prepared for those days where nothing goes right. Not necessarily prepared for what they have to do to navigate through the situation, but prepared that they can, they must, and they will find a way to do it. Anything that is worth having is going to require sacrifice, a push, a promise to yourself that you will face whatever you must to keep chasing that place, that goal, that experience no matter how hard it gets. You may have to give up something to have something. You may have to set time aside to do what is necessary to equip you for those days where a void must be filled and you are the only one that can fill it. On those days that you are at your best, take note. Remember that feeling, remember that person, remember that passion and use it to motivate yourself on the days nothing else will, and make no mistake what you are doing matters in as much as you allow it to matter. 
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you know that God gives you plans and creates paths for you to walk. He gives you blessings to remind you that you can. I pray that you have the strength to continue the journey, and you have the passion to know that your purpose matters, and God will continue to be there as you pursue exactly what He intends for that purpose to be.

Have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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