Monday, February 10, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Prepared”

I was re-watching Creed II this weekend. I love underdog movies, especially when people's biggest battle is themselves. There is a scene in the movie where Rocky is talking to Creed about the possibility of something not going as planned.  Rocky asks what happens if things aren't ok. Creed says, "You can't think like that Rock." Rocky says, "You kind of have to sometimes. You have to think what will you do and how will you react." 

While we shouldn't sit and dwell on the bad or be all doom and gloom, we have to be prepared. Things will happen, we will have disappointments, life won't always go as planned, but that doesn't change the plan. It doesn't mean we can't react with strength, courage and our values intact. It doesn't mean we stop pushing forward, fighting, believing and having faith. I get it, it's not easy. Sometimes life is one blow after another. Sometimes there is seemingly no end in sight. Yet, we've been there before and often the end of one chapter brings a new beginning. A beginning we get to create, to mold, to experience. We get to do it with wisdom we didn't have, with scars that show we can heal the hurt, with blessings that we've leaned on, been carried and held by. Yeah, sometimes you have to think about what you will do if things aren't unfolding like you wanted, but reassured, while you may not see it now, it is unfolding exactly as God knows it is needed.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you are able to see that while God doesn't always answer prayers like we want, He will always answer them exactly how we need them to be answered.

Have a beautifully blessed week everyone! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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