Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Problems and Solutions”

We all have problems. We all have issues. None of us are perfect. None of us do the right thing every day. Let's face it we are all a work in progress. Though some people realize it, and are working hard to make the changes necessary to grow, develop, and be better. Some are studying harder, working out longer, taking time to develop their areas of opportunity. Some are grinding it out every day to live and realize their dream. Some are punching away at the wall in front of them because it matters to them and they are not going to stop until they get through. Some are reaching a peak they once thought impossible and climbing higher because they now realize they set the bar too low. Some already know they are going to be met with naysayers, obstacles, opposition, but they also know it is fuel to the fire and are not going to let it stop them from pushing on. Some put faith in God and the path He has laid out before them, but understand they have to do their part. It isn't one sided and things worth living for are not handed out freely. You have to earn that. You have to commit to that. You have to dedicate a part of you to knowing it matters, and the other part of you must chase it down like it does! We all have problems, but every problem simply needs you to unleash the passion that is there inside you and go out and find the solutions.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you realize that whatever you are facing, whatever wall you are standing at, whatever mountain you must climb that you realize you can. You can and you will! Allow yourself to feel the full strength of God and His blessings as they will be there in those moments you need them to help you when you feel like you can't.

Have a blessed day every one. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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