Monday, February 3, 2020

Daily BITUB- “They”

 They use to control me. They use to make me feel small. They had too much power over me. They wanted me to be something I wasn't. They wanted me to chase their dreams not mine. They said I couldn't do it. They said I wasn't enough. They said I would never amount to anything. They kicked me when I was down. They refused to help me back up. They spread negativity wherever they went. They never loved the real me. They never intended for me to be anything they didn't want me to be. They had one goal… To make me them. That was until I figured out that they only had control over what I gave them control over. That they are not as powerful as our God. They don't control the blessings He gives us. They can't take away that Jesus died for us ALL. When I opened my eyes, when I became woke, I realized they were afraid that they couldn't keep up with us so they pushed us down. They won't do the hard things we will do and they don't like when we figure that out. They can't see that beyond our limitations is where our wildest dreams live. They can't cast shadows when our light is shining bright. They can't hold us back when we realize that the negative they surround us with is no match for the positive that resonates from us. Once you realize they can't stop you, that is when you realize you can be you. A you full of God's grace, full of His blessings, full of His love, full of faith on a journey where they, we, can all Believe in The Unbelievable that is us.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you realize that all you need is faith that God has you and that can carry you as far as you are willing to go.

Have a blessed week every one. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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