Monday, April 13, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Togetherness”

Yesterday, as my family and I celebrated Easter, we spent the day together. We have every Easter, but this was an entirely different kind of together. Our family picture was different... No dress clothes. Our church experience was amazing, and it was in our kitchen. Our afternoon was spent hiding and finding eggs, eating a meal outside, giving thanks for our blessings, and watching a movie together. Andie and I took an evening walk and just enjoyed each other. It wasn't that our time together wasn't something we've done before, but it was different in that we knew the world around us wasn't moving 100 miles an hour. Our heads weren't filled with the idea that Monday was around the corner, and routines, obligations, and mad dashes from place to place would be resuming. Instead, our minds were focused on each other, our blessings, God, Jesus and His Resurrection. We were focused on the moment and appreciating that we could have it. While there is that feeling of uncertainty, the feeling of family, of faith, of God's Grace, of love, healing, hope and togetherness feels more certain now than it ever has. It's always been there, but now so many of us are simply slowing down long enough to see it and appreciate it.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you soak up your moments. You don't let them get by without realizing what they are and what they can be. There is so much uncertainty, but let yourself feel the power of God's healing so that you may realize just how much has been and continues to be certain in our lives. 

Have a blessed and healthy week everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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