Thursday, June 25, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Fight the Fight”

 "You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." This quote by Margaret Thatcher resonated with me. We fight battles constantly with ourselves, with situations, with depression, with addictions, with simply staying the course. I know I have and I still do. There are moments of digression. Moments of weakness. Moments where the walls close in and the darkness overwhelms. Yet I find strength in knowing I still can fight. As long as I feel that then it exists. It's not easy, but the option is ever present. I know when I'm weary I can lean on faith, on prayer, on those holding me up when I can't stand. I used to cringe at the thought of fighting something again, but the alternative of giving up and giving in simply can't be an option. It can't ever be. There are too many reasons to push on. Too many reasons to want more. Too many opportunities still to realize the good, and there are more dreams to dream. I once stood in an auditorium speaking to a group and told them that there will be setbacks. There will be walls others won't climb. There will be fear and anxiety. There will be a reality that things aren't exactly what they envisioned. Yet the constant of uncertainty was no match for the constant that existed in them. A constant vigilance of expectation that only knows the boundaries we set. They had a foundation they had cultivated over many years that had roots that generations past had already planted. They had faith and trust in a God that allowed for anything they believed possible if they wanted it. They had a Grace we didn't deserve. A belief from many supporters, some they would never meet, and some that would always be present. They had an instinct that lives deep in all of us to become more, to believe we can be more, and the passion to not give up when others might. As I sit here today, I know these things to be true. I still fight battles. I still push away negative. I still fear that the bad will outweigh the good. Then I remember that life is whatever we want it to be. The decision to live it is ours. No one can take it away unless we allow it. No matter how many times we fight the fight we are blessed that we are here, we are present, we get to be active participants in the outcome and sometimes the victory is simply that we have the chance to fight once again. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you realize the potential that exists in every moment to find blessings. No matter what you are facing you won't face it alone. God is there, the blessings He gives us are there, the strength is there. May you pause for a moment to look around and realize it.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day all.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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