Thursday, September 3, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Fail Forward”

How often have we quit before we even tried? I think back on how many things I could of, should of, would of done… But I didn't. There was always something or someone to blame. Always an easy way out and a finger to be pointed. Countless excuses about my environment, my money situation, my health. Even more excuses about not having time because I had other things I supposedly had to do. Amazing how we are so capable of creating walls to keep ourself in and we pretend it is really to keep others out. After all if we stay within our comfort zone we don't have to risk making bad choices. Though I have found that most of my bad choices taught me hard lessons. Looking back, they really weren't bad choices at all. They were necessary pieces of the big picture that helped me grow. I once wrote, "I have scars that are impossible to erase". I spent many years trying to erase them until I understood the importance of embracing them instead. I have asked myself if I really do believe that even in our darkest moments there are blessings. Sometimes I do, others time I digress, and it takes me a moment of reflection to see there were blessings. Some have taken years to really see, but they were there. In my fear, in my hurt, in my confusion, in my doubt I have found strength I don't believe I would have had I not faced those emotions. It is in that adversity that we find just how strong we are. We find how important our faith is and if we really do trust in it. I once read a quote by Dr. John Izzo who said, "Failure it appears is not the regret that haunts most people; it is the choice not to risk failure at all." Today, I may fail, but I will fail forward. I will be better for it, and I will trust that God has a plan as He always has. It may be today, tomorrow, or many years from now, but I am confident that I will once again understand and find the blessings in the lessons.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you trust in faith. That you realize in every opportunity there are lessons to be learned and good to be found. It is not enough to want to go with God, we must be willing to grow with Him.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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