Monday, November 9, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Distractions”

"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." (Psalm 119:105)

You aren't sure what path you are supposed to be on anymore. You've lost focus. There are distractions everywhere. Sometimes you get sidetracked. You get pulled off the path momentarily. You get caught up in instant gratification and it clouds your long term focus on the dreams and goals you have been pursuing. You have stayed on the path a long time. Don't get discouraged. Pause and pray for guidance. It's going to be ok. Those distractions are part of the process. They help you realize what really matters and strengthen your determination to finish what you started. Don't underestimate the value of every interaction. There is a lesson to be learned. There are tests to be taken. It's on you to decipher what it means. It's on you to make a determination if your priorities are aligned and why those priorities matter to you. Life is full of distractions. Full of those things that pull our interests away from the blessings we have in search of blessings we think we need. We stop appreciating our life. We stop giving thanks to God for our place, our purpose, our gifts. We move away from the good in hopes there is better. We let that cloud us so much we stop nurturing our relationships, our journey, the people in our life we live for. Make no mistake, there are going to be plenty of  distractions. Use them. They make us refocus our energy on what and why we started this journey in the first place. They realign us and reaffirm that there are people and things in our life that make us better people. They make us want to try harder, give more, be more. They help us be our best self and remind us that no matter the distractions we must face, we have our people that are constant in our lives. A constant that gives us the strength to find our way back to the path we have always known we needed to be on. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you do not give up on your journey. Every twist and turn is God's will. In that, we know through Him we will be exactly where we are supposed to be in the exact moment we are supposed to be there. 

Have a blessed, healthy, and safe week everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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