Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Focus Your Energy”

I think often about where I want to invest my time and energy. I think we all do. Yet we must also think about where we don't want to invest that energy. There are people and things that draw out the worst in us. We spend countless hours of ours lives trying to deal with it, change it, overcome it. Yet, we find ourselves drained and weary from those fights. Fights we can't win, because it simply isn't that important to us. Thus, we aren't all in. We don't give it our all. Yet, we convince ourselves we are. We are so convincing we stop putting our focus on the things that matter. We stop chasing our dreams. We stop setting goals. We stop helping others. We are so determined to impact something that has no bearing on our lives or what comes next. We start putting that energy on things out of our control. We neglect our family, our friends, our commitments. Yet the very thing we are focused on has moved on. They continue to live and to function. They are not occupied with us. Yet here we are at a standstill. Right now, more than ever, people are putting energy in to things they can't control. Stop. Focus on what you do. Focus on your influence. Focus not on the people you live with, but the people you live for. Focus on your moments. Focus on your blessings. You might just illuminate those paths that negativity makes dark, and remember just how bright that energy can be when you allow yourself to invest and put the focus where it should be.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you can put down the things that burden you that aren't yours to carry. Allow yourself the opportunity to use your energy where God intends for you to be so that you may shine through His blessings and your faith. 

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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