Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Value Your Potential”

Why do you undervalue your experiences? Why do you undervalue who you are? Maybe somebody told you that your journey didn't matter. Maybe you feel your path doesn't matter, your life's moments aren't significant, your scars aren't deep enough. Every single thing in your life gets to matter. It gets to matter if you want it to matter. We sometimes stand in this place we are in and feel as if we aren't worthy of being happy. We don't deserve to have more. We don't deserve help. We don't deserve to venture out and fill our potential. It's easy to think that when we won't stop undervaluing who we are and why God has created this path for us. It's our path. The potential in it is as great as we need it to be. You have to believe it. Really believe in it and in you. It's not a cliche or a good quote. It's real. It's emotion, passion, feeling. Your ability to see your tomorrow starts with you today. It's powerful to trust that you are worthy, capable, able, and deserving. It's not selfish to want more. Especially when that dream has the potential to impact others in a positive way. We are all created with a purpose. Yet, so many people never allow themselves the opportunity to find that purpose. I once spoke to a group of High School students years ago. I was convinced it didn't go well. Until years later one of those students sent me an email and told me how impactful that day was. How sharing my failures, my fight, my journey helped them find a way to keep going. That's just it... We may never know our impact. We may inspire one person. We may change the course of someone's day, life, moment. We may be the blessing they prayed for. There is nothing about you to undervalue. God created you. You have a reason to be. You are full of potential and you deserve to allow yourself the opportunity to realize it.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you embrace the you that you are and give thanks to God for the opportunity to become anything you allow yourself to be. Life is what you make it. Gratitude to God for this life is living it to your full potential. 

Have a blessed, healthy, and safe day all. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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