Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Daily BITUB- “Unique Moments”

Every moment is unique. What we see is what we want to see. What influences one person may not influence another. What inspires someone may not inspire someone else. There are moments that impact us, situations that mold us, things we will determine are best for us, and things we must let go. We can dissect the moment thousands of ways. We can make it a learning experience that helps to develop our senses so we are ready when a similar situation arises. We can find our hidden strengths and exceed limitations when we encounter something that matters to us. We can capture mental pictures of the good in each memory so that we may use them when we need comfort in those moments we are not at our best. Images to grasp that will allow us to remember and focus on the beauty we have experienced and the feeling of happiness those moments brought. All so that we can once again move forward in pursuit of that happiness that carries us through all of our endless possibilities...  Where every moment is unique. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is you find the beauty in your perspective. You see what you must to realize what matters to you. You embrace the unique moments that are for you, and only you.

Have a safe, healthy, and blessed day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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