Thursday, March 25, 2021

Daily BITUB- “What did you learn?”

"I understand things I never thought I would and see things I never thought I could."- DC/2015 

I use to ask people what they learned today. I would almost always get an immediate answer. When I started asking people, "What will you do with what you learned today?"... Well, the answers didn't come so quick. Then the follow up question a few weeks later was often met with even more hesitation. We are quick to take an experience and apply, "I sure learned my lesson." Until we forget it. We forget it because when we are caught up in it as it happens we don't really do anything intentional to retain it. We miss the opportunity to make that moment a memory to use later. To take it and use it as part of building up who we are and why we do the things we do. To essentially understand that we simply do not want to experience that situation again. We also tend to think we must have an answer right now. We don't. It's not about just the experience, but how we process it. What were the takeaways? What and who did it impact? What is actionable? What was simply emotional? What comes next? Why didn't we like it? What did we really learn? Why wouldn't we want to be in that situation again? If we were how would we handle it this time?

 Process it. 

So, as you settle in tonight ask yourself what you will do with what you learned today. Then make a conscious and intentional decision to actually do it.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you take advantage of the lessons you learn and use them to simply be better than you were yesterday.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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