Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Daily BITUB- “Don’t Tackle it Alone”

Why would you tackle it all alone? I know it's not easy to ask for help. I know you don't want to be a burden. After all everyone has problems, and you sure don't want to add yours. You keep praying for an answer, for help to get through the moment, asking for strength and for just a moment to catch your breath. All the while you are telling those who ask if you are ok to just let you be. You tell them you will get through it. Yet you are still wondering why God hasn't answered you. It's so hard to see sometimes how often He has, and even the strongest in faith forget that He always will. We must realize that we all need support. We all need a fan, someone to back us, give us strength, to encourage us to continue when we think we can't. We need someone to listen, to be there and share with us back. We all need someone to remind us of what we are capable of achieving, someone willing to push us to be better, and hold us accountable. Think about the people in your life God has blessed you with.  Think about the ones who ask for your help. They give you strength as they lean on your faith. They make you realize that we all have things we need help with. We all need answered prayers.  God put you there for them and in turn they are there for you.  

You don't have to tackle it alone.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you remember an answered prayer may not be exactly how you wanted it, but it doesn't mean God didn't answer it exactly the way you needed it.  


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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