Monday, July 26, 2021

Daily BITUB- “As long as you notice.”

Who cares if they don't notice? You are doing things right to be better. You are trying to eat better. You stopped drinking so much. You are spending more time with your family. You are reading more to better understand the power of self development. You are studying your craft. You are visiting family. You are changing your priorities to match what matters most to you. You are doing your best to be a better friend. You are putting in the hours at work because you want to lead by example and serve others. You are sharing your story with those that need to hear it. You are giving all you can. You are focusing on the big picture by paying attention to the small details. You are taking the walks you said you would to reflect. You are taking your experiences and using them to build bridges for others and to ensure you grow from those moments. You are giving tough love where you need to give it, and paying attention to those that care enough to do the same for you. You are laughing more. You are crying more. You are doing your best to not overlook the beauty in a sunrise and the satisfaction of making it to another sunset. Don't get so wrapped up in hoping others see you. You are doing it for you. You are doing it because it's right. You are doing it for those you love and live for. Who cares if they don't notice. As long as you do. Keep doing it. 

If nobody tells you today… I will. It matters.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you realize your worth. You understand the beauty in the blessings and gifts God has given you. You appreciate it all by continuing to evolve, to grow, to making the most out of every day and every possibility the day can bring. 

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy week everyone.

David "DC" Carrizales

"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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