Monday, August 2, 2021

Daily BITUB- “Believe in It”

Your efforts sometimes go unnoticed huh? I mean you are trying to do your best. You are focusing on becoming a better you. You are trying to get yourself motivated, but there are so many set backs. Why are there not enough hours in the day it seems? Why is the pressure of achieving so overwhelming sometimes? Why? The cliche says nothing worth having is ever easy. Well, that's true, but that's only part of it. Take a look at what your fighting for.  Look at why your fighting for it. If it didn't really matter to you none of the setbacks would matter because you would have abandoned it long ago. You wouldn't subject yourself to all this if it wasn't crucial to who you are. You wouldn't push, struggle, feel if it wasn't something that was important to building your life. Sometimes the harder the adversity, the more it hits us when we face those challenges, the more we feel when we reach that wall... Well, that's when we realize the more meaningful, passionate and a part of us it is. That's when we understand that despite everything we face we will find it within us to continue to push until we make that dream our reality. That's when we see that through God and our faith anything is possible, and we are determined to show just how much we believe in that. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find the beauty in the ability to fight for what matters. That you realize if it's worth it then you go after it. You go after it and know if you want it you have it within you to make it happen. 

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone.

David "DC" Carrizales

"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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