Monday, June 3, 2024

Daily BITUB- “Happily Ever After”

"Happily Ever After"

We often talk about putting it all in God's hands. Though when the whirlwind of life turns us around over and over we tend to forget to do it. We lose sight of the things that matter and start focusing on all the things that don't. We lose confidence in ourselves. We lose our ability to see who we really are, and we let things like fear, worry, opinions, doubt, and negativity control our agenda. It's taken me along time to realize I would talk about faith, trusting in God's plans, letting go of the things that really didn't matter, and yet I wasn't doing that. I was focused on being something I wasn't. I was living in a world that other people controlled. I made a lot of missteps and that's on nobody but me. I was allowing my emotions to guide me instead of truly putting it in God's hands and leaping in the faith I've talked to so many people about. Today as I sit and think about where I am I know it's exactly where God intended me to be. I know that strength is not how others perceive you, but how you see yourself. You must not only be accountable for your choices, but you must be accountable to pushing yourself forward each and every day. If you aren't waking up every day feeling good about where you are, then change it. If you aren't pursuing your passion, then figure out why you aren't. If you are living in someone else's dream, then determine how that fits into your dream, or if it does at all.  It's never too late. There is no joy standing on false foundations. Trust me they won't last, and life is simply too short to not be chasing after what you know is your real happily ever after. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is from Isaiah 41:10.

"Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Have a great week ahead everyone. 

David "DC" Carrizales

Purposeful Pathways 

"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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