Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Daily BITUB- “Why”


One of my favorite authors is Simon Sinek. In his book, "Find Your Why", he talks specifically about that "why".  "A search for meaning that involves finding the single core belief that inspires you to do the work you choose to do and be the person you want to be in all aspects of your life." Isn't that what life is all about? Finding a purpose? Finding truth? Finding something you wake up for every single day ready to fight for, believe in, and be a part of? I've learned over the past year that finding your purpose is a deeply personal journey that involves exploration, reflection, and growth. It's not always easy either. You may walk away from people, places, and situations you thought mattered, only to find out they didn't. Things you dedicated so much to, but realized what you gave wasn't reciprocated. When you clear out all that unnecessary noise you begin to truly understand your passions, values, and the things that ignite your spirit. I mean these are those things that fire you up, motivate you, and nurture your soul. So, as you navigate through experiences allow yourself to uncover what truly resonates with you. Allow yourself to see where your unique gifts align with the needs of the world around you. Embrace your purpose. Be your "why".

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is from Ephesians 2:10.

"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago". 

Have a great day ahead everyone. 

David "DC" Carrizales

Purposeful Pathways 

"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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