It's not about one door closing so another can open. The doors we open will always be open. Try as we might to close them we have already made the choice to open and walk through them. So instead of using energy to close those doors we must take that experience and move toward our next one. It won't be far... In fact there are doors everywhere around us each and every day. Ones we want to go through. Others we need to go through. Some we want to avoid, but they are still there. Others we keep walking back and forth through hoping for a different outcome. Truth is there isn't a lack of doors in our life, but we must be invested enough in ourselves to be willing to climb the walls that hide some of those doors. We must embrace the experiences, the adversity, the passion we bring along with us through each and every door that provides us the strength to reach the next. We must trust that we have created a foundation that will sustain them and believe that every one is a choice and a chance. From the ones we know to the ones we don't. The unfamiliar doors are but another part of the path, and faith tell us there will always be the familiarity of God through each one. So, take the chances you must, be blessed as you open that next door today, and Believe in the Unbelievable possibilities that exists on the other side.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find the strength to open the doors in your life that you want to open, and the courage to unlock the ones you need to open.
Have a blessed day.
"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23
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