Get your self in order. If you are spending your time lashing out at others, talking about what they do, looking at what others have then you are missing a lot. You are missing it because all things you start with you. If you aren't reaching your potential then look within first. You wondering why you got overlooked for the promotion? Stop asking why someone was picked and start focusing on why you weren't. You want to grow, then be willing to take risks. You want to learn, then be willing to teach what you know to others and then study. Surround yourself with challenges, higher standards, lofty goals. Embrace the commitment it takes to achieve and put your energy into what exactly that means. You have gifts. We all do. What are you doing with them? Are you putting them to the test? Are you developing them constantly? Are you using them to do good? Are you making the best out of your skills? Are you helping others along the way? You have purpose. God bestowed all those things to you... Are you being those blessings? Are you serving His purpose by finding ways to appreciate and utilize the gifts you have been given to do more, be more, give more? It's easy to squander our moments, and as hard as it can be to make our moments matter that is what living and being grateful for the opportunity to live is about. You already know, and it's on you to do what God put you here to do. Get yourself in order.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you are able to realize the beauty in the blessings God has provided through your skills, talents, and gifts. That you use those to reach your potential and to share that potential with others.
Have a blessed day!
"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23
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