Yesterday I was sitting in my car and had this overwhelming feeling of "missing". That's the best way for me to describe it. Missing what I wasn't sure. Though it started to grow... I started missing my family, missing Georgia, missing friends, missing those we've lost. I was feeling lost actually. It was a strange feeling because I'm a very upbeat person and life is amazing, but this feeling was overpowering those good thoughts. Now, say what you will, but suddenly my mind filled with my cousin. All my thoughts went to him, who passed years ago, and my heart made my mind smile. I started seeing old times, remembering crazy moments, repeating old conversations. I realized that missing feeling had dissipated and my tears turned to laughter thinking of some things too crazy to repeat... LOL. I started to feel calm. I felt the sense that for some reason he felt me heading down a path and wanted to remind me of the beauty of the one I am on. I once heard the quote that angels often come disguised, but this one didn't. I heard you loud and clear JC. Comfort comes in many forms. As my wife often says, "Don't he sad because it's over be happy that it happened." I am and continue to be. So, if you are "missing" take comfort that you are never alone. That God is ever present and He has so many people, places, and things that remind us of that.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you realize that God's presence is in all things. Sometimes He simply places subtle reminders in our path, but it is those reminders that often help us realize just how blessed we really are.
Have a blessed weekend everyone!
"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23
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