You ever have those people who are amazing at identifying the problems? They are even more amazing at shooting down every solution you bring to the table. We all have those people, but that's ok. Don't allow that to discourage you. Don't stop sharing. Don't stop offering up your ideas. If you decided it's something that must be done then keep working to find ways to do it. You can take feedback, offer it, help, coach, but some find themselves caught up in the negative because it's easier to point out the issues than it is to face them. You may have to draw a line in the sand at some point, you may lose acquaintances, you may make people think, you may make people step up, and you may change people's ways of thinking. You may have to tell someone you can no longer be around them because they aren't willing to do the heavy lifting necessary to accomplish the task at hand. It happens, and as you find yourself doing that more often before you know it you are surrounded by people who are challenging the norm, raising the bar, not ok with how it's always been done, and ready to take on the adversity and obstacles that are going to come. Life is full of opportunity for all of us to grab hold of. It is a blessing of knowledge, experiences, challenges, growth, lessons, and faith. It's so much of what we want it to be and living a life full of solution oriented thoughts creates a place where we get to find out just how much better we can be today than we were yesterday.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find yourself surrounded by positive and if you aren't you have enough courage and faith to seek it out!
Have a blessed day everyone.
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