Questions, questions, doubts, questions. What is your biggest concern about it? You knew what was coming when you started, but you started anyway. Didn't you work up to this? You aren't giving yourself credit where it's due. You have been preparing all along, even when you didn't know it. All those moments God placed in your path were intentional. Today is as good a day as any to remember that passion you felt the day you decided to chase this down. Actually everyday is. Refocus! Reenergize! Recommit! You are more experienced now. You have a better hold of those emotions that held you back before because you know what to expect. You've already surpassed the limitations you thought you had. Think about that. At this point there is no way to tell how far you can go. You just have to go. You prayed about it. You've had prayers answered. Just look around. You are encouraged by those who love you! You have God in your corner. You have your faith. You have hope. Yes, there are those who say you can't, but channel their thoughts to the energy needed to try harder. Put that chip on your shoulder. Remember though that you don't have anything to prove. God loves you for you, and your closest supporters will always love you. They don't want you to do it for them. They need you to do it for you. Take your blessings, gather your faith and Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and let's go. Today is going to be a good day!
My prayer for you today is that you are able to remember that feeling that set you on that path towards your dreams. That you find it again and that you believe in the possibilities of what can be. Remember that through God all is possible.
Have a blessed day everyone.
"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23
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