Friday, March 6, 2020

Daily BITUB- “No Promises”

Don't promise us. Don't promise yourself. Show us! Don't spend time telling everyone what you could, would or should do. Instead get after it. Use that energy on a purpose. Things progress when we progress them. Life and the journey of it is a magnificent path of ups and downs that give us the knowledge and strength around every turn to try harder, to give more, to take less and to simply be better than we were yesterday. What choice do we have? Honestly, what choices don't we have? How many opportunities do we get that we squander? We think maybe tomorrow. We think maybe the next one is better. You can choose to overcome limitations, face the challenges, tackle adversity, dream bigger, live, or you don't. I've been a witness to people taking unbelievable chances to reach destinations they once thought impossible. I've watched people refuse to settle for anything less than all they believe in. Why? Because they trust in God's plan, their own faith and their ability to take anything and everything presented, good and bad, and make a life out of it. Not waiting, not blaming, not giving up or giving in. Appreciate those blessings, the opportunity to choose, the ability to live, the beauty in being. Being everything you can. Doing everything you need to do. No more promises of what can be. Let's just get after it.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find the strength to get after it. You find the courage to chase your dreams, to create and to be a part of life and living it.

Have a blessed weekend. 

"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

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