Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Circumstances”

It's hard not to allow our circumstances or our emotional state dictate our commitment levels. It's hard not to relinquish our power and influence on how we let life treat us. Regardless of things going on around us we still have responsibilities. We don't get to put that down because we had a tough day. Sure we can pause and catch our breath, but things that really matter we get back after them. Be honest with yourself... It's not if you are going to face adversity, it's when you are going to face adversity. You are going to face obstacles. You are going to face negativity. It's in those moments you get to choose. Just like anything we do we have choices. We can choose to pray or we don't. We can choose to work on our relationship with each other, with ourselves, with God or we don't. We will always face rollercoasters of emotion. We will have highs and lows. That's where our commitment levels really matter. If we are really invested in living then we must be invested in everything that comes with it. Life requires work. It requires us to do some heavy lifting some days. Sometimes that's as small as getting ourselves out of bed and moving, but big in that sometimes it's the smallest things that are the most difficult to do. It's facing fears. It's accepting the challenge of trusting in faith, of leaning on it, of leaping in it. When we realize just how influential we can be in controlling how we approach our circumstances then we realize just how powerful we are in dictating not how life treats us, but how we treat life.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you realize how powerful you are. How much strength you have through faith, through prayer, with God as your companion. That you understand you are the biggest influence on how and why you live life the way you do.

Have a blessed and healthy day all.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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