Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Belief in Yourself”

Belief in yourself begins in one place. Sure, as we grow up there is influence of others, their support of us, their encouragement, but at the end of the day that confidence and strength can dissipate over time. Unless we nourish it. We must be personally invested in our own self-esteem and development. When you stare in the mirror you are either going to be your biggest supporter or you are not. Your belief foundation is only going to hold you up if you have a love for who you are deep down in your heart. It will be tested. Who you are will be challenged. What you want to be is important. You have to be honest with that. You have to be willing to be you in all matters of living. You won't make everyone happy, but those you want happy will accept you as you are. You have to realize that within you is potential. Within you is the ability to overcome any limitations, any obstacles, any adversity. If you think back you'll realize that every blessing started somewhere. That somewhere began with your belief in it... In your ability to do the job, run the race, play the sport, hit the shot, give the speech, make the sell, live like you know you can. What you are and where you are headed is only as big as your belief. Believe big and the rest will follow. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you allow yourself to realize your potential, and then you have the courage to chase it and the faith in God's plan to live up to it.

Have a blessed and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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