Thursday, May 21, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Little Things and Big Blessings”

 It's funny how the little things can frustrate us, the smallest insecurities can keep us from moving outside our comfort zone, and even the thought of doubt can derail our progression. Yet, the smallest blessings we overlook... The little things that are ever-present. A chance to hang out with friends, a cross-off on our to do list, a "thank you" from our children, a phone call to our parents, an "I love you" from our spouse, a quiet moment to ourselves, a moment where we simply get to pray and talk with God. We let ourselves miss those things sometimes. Those day to day moments that, if we allow, keep us moving toward our goals. They remind us of where we are and how far we've come. They comfort us when we need it most. So, while we often focus on the negative, remind yourself just how much positive is ever-present each and every day. Be intentional in what you allow in to influence you. You control it. When you start to do that you'll begin to realize there are a lot of "little things" that are actually part of the biggest blessings in life.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer today is that you see just how many blessings are there when you let them be. Be your moments, let life inspire you, and don't be afraid to simply allow yourself to be your blessings.

Have a blessed and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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