Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Investing in Chances”

I hear people talk often about investing in themselves. They say all the right things, and even on the surface appear satisfied. Yet that satisfaction doesn't translate into fulfillment. There is no joy in what they have done because it wasn't ever anything they actually wanted to do. They didn't have the courage to follow their heart. Over the years I've met people who are happy. They are filled with love and joy because they love life and how they are living it. They aren't concerned with status, with wealth, fame, power. They are powerful in their way as they have complete control over their way of thinking. The investments they make are intentional. So, are ours? From the books we read, the social media we allow to influence us, what we eat to be healthy, the time we spend with God - they are all investments we decide we will or won't make in ourselves. I used to tell people I don't have time for that. Until I realized "that" wasn't at all what I really wanted. Remove the unwanted investments that create regret, animosity, false foundations and start putting your energy into the you that you want to be. Give yourself a chance by creating one. Chances are you will start to have time for all the things that make you simply want to find a way to invest more of you into "that". 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you allow yourself to step back and reflect on all the wonder of life and your ability to capture those things that matter most. 

Have a blessed and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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