Thursday, June 18, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Feeling It”

I love to write, but there have been days I'm not feeling it. I used to put the pen down on those days, but I've found some of my best writing comes when I'm not in the mood for it. Crazy? Well, not really. It's in those moments that I'm writing without a specific topic that the creativity of the moment takes over. The things that are in the back of my mind come out and the experiences in my heart take shape. It's feeling vs emotion. Think about that in terms of a commitment to something. When we first start a goal we are fired up. We go after it with all we are. At the height of our emotion we motivate ourselves and we are unrelenting in pushing to do what it takes. As time goes on we hit a wall, we get distracted, we are frustrated and we start to lose interest. It's not that it's less important, but we might simply be spent. Those are the times we have to dig in and find it in ourselves to keep the pace. We have to remember that feeling we had when we decided this was worth it. That's when it matters and we figure out just how much that goal and dream really does matter to us. It's finding the push when we least feel it that will get us further than we thought we could go. It's a difference maker and a differentiator between a hobby and a passion. For me, as I've adopted that different perspective, there really aren't any days where I'm not feeling it. Instead I'm finding more and more days that I truly do feel it more. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you let yourself feel. You allow the emotion of a moment to give way to the passion of the experience. It's in that you will find what matters and why it does.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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