Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Daily BITUB- “A Season”

Everybody talks about what they are going to do. They weigh the options, but sometimes spend so much time doing that they let things like fear, anxiety, and doubt creep in. It happens to all of us. I remember deciding if I wanted to come back to Texas over 6 years ago. I was scared, because the risk of losing all I had worked for was going to be put on the line. We were leaving dear friends, we were leaving a comfort zone, and we were unsure if what we were doing was going to make sense. There was an easy road for sure, but we took the other one. There have been times over the years we questioned if it was the right move. Times we were struggling to bring our lives together. It wasn't until years later I figured out something. I realized what I had worked for wasn't my career, my house, my car... It was my family. It was my relationship with them, with God, with myself. I wasn't giving up anything. I was removing things that made me forget why I worked, why I pushed, why any of it mattered. It grounded me in a reality that my foundation wasn't built on things we had; it was so much more than that. The relationships we built, the values we had cultivated, and the memories we had made were the real things and we were taking that with us. Recently in reading Ecclesiastes I came across 3:1. "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." The more I read that the more I realize all we are, all we do, all we have comes as God commands it to come. Whether we choose to embrace it, to appreciate it, to become it is on us. How we live in each season, good and bad, is on us. As we trust in faith that there truly is a time for every activity under the heavens... That's on us too. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find comfort that whatever season you are in God is there with you. There is no journey He is not willing to travel with us.

Have a blessed, healthy and safe day all.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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