Monday, July 6, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Stand Up”

"Being able to admit you're wrong is important, but so is standing up for yourself when you're right." — Suzy Kassem

What if you had a chance to help a lot of people? What if you had the opportunity to make a difference? Would you do it? Would you have the courage to stand up when others couldn't and wouldn't? Life is full of moments where courage matters. It's full of experiences where we can stand down or push on. It may be the hardest you have ever fought. It may cost you everything you have worked for, but it won't cost you your values. It will be a defining moment. It will be a line drawn in the sand. The repercussions may resonate for a lifetime, but you'll know the things you held dear stayed intact. So often people talk the talk, but walking the walk is different. Standing up for your beliefs, having integrity, believing in what you live will always be faced with adversity. How you deal with that is what matters. How you weather the storm will build character. You will set something in motion that may end with you standing alone, but you will be standing. Standing up for what's right. Standing for those who can't. For the ones afraid, for the ones without a voice, for a culture, for service, for faith, for the opportunity to show that what matters really does. No matter who tries to take that away from you your beliefs and your integrity will be intact, and it will matter to someone.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you have faith in your journey. That you know God hears your prayers. While He may not answer the way you want, He will always answer them exactly the way they need to be answered.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy week. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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