Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Authenticity”

"We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."- Marianne Williamson 

I'm always trying to find areas to improve. Looking to unlock potential that maybe I don't know I have or know exactly how to reach yet. Trying to learn new things, new ways to approach problems, new thoughts on my journey. It wasn't always that way. I had to stop trying to please everyone first. Had to stop trying to be liked by everyone, because I really didn't know who I was or what I cared about. Serving others doesn't mean you give them everything they want. That doesn't work, and you end up hurting them and yourself in the process. You have to be real with yourself about what matters if you intend to really lead with a servant heart all the time. As I work on an upcoming speaking engagement my mind continues to bring me back to the word authenticity. That takes me down a rabbit hole of reflection of all the times I wasn't authentic and it always caught up with me. I often tell people you will end up in a place one day where you will get exposure for all the things you know, you do, you are, or you will get exposed for all the things you pretended to be. As I grow older I find myself drawn to the real relationships in my life. The people willing to be real, willing to listen, speak out, build confidence, create and give trust. There are so many distractions around us. From the lure of new technology, to the next big diet, to the next news story that divides us we are bombarded with things that bring us nothing but another way to avoid being who we are capable of being. If we are pleasers then we aren't truly allowing others the opportunity to know who we really are, what we think and feel. We are forcing ourselves to be liked and as our relationships mature, and we do too, there is no foundation for disagreement, conflict, discussion, and no room for growth. It's ok to be liked, but not to the point you lose yourself. Not to the point you sacrifice self respect and the respect of others. You simply can't ever trade your authenticity for someone's approval. Be you... And allow others to be who they need to be. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you embrace your authentic self. Your gifts, talents, your unique attributes are who you are. Let your light shine and don't ever feel like you can't. 

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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