Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Be The Positive”

"There is no shortage of doubt, it is the abundance of belief that often gets overlooked." -DC

I used to wonder why people were so negative. Why they insisted in bringing others down. I would notice them come into a room, log on a call, throw emotional hand grenades and then walk away. It would bother me. It would derail my day and change my mood. As I said, use to. Then I realized that their power only exists when we give it to them. When we acknowledge it we cease to allow ourselves to focus on the things that matter. The good that can be done. The positive influence we can be. The blessings in the smallest things. The realization that allowing our light to shine can drown out the shadows if we want it to. Take a look around you. There is more good than bad. You just have to look past those things clouding your thoughts. When you do you realize there are solutions to your problems. There are ways to overcome the adversity. There is prayer. There is faith. There is inspiration and motivation happening all around you right now. People reaching beyond themselves to realize potential they didn't even know they had. People stepping up to volunteer. People giving more than they have to give. People paying attention to others in need. People listening to voices they never heard before that need help, need understanding, need to simply be heard. We become what we pay attention to. We give strength to the negative and can become the negative when we pay attention to it. So don't. Don't focus on the negative around you, be blessed by the positive that resonates beyond you.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you don't allow the negative to overpower you. Be the positive influence you and others need in this time. Be grateful for the good and celebrate that.

Have a blessed, safe and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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