Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Daily BITUB- “The Hand Dealt”

I think we have all asked why we were dealt this hand. We question and we ponder. We have so many things that pull us down. We have responsibilities, obligations, things we simply don't want to do. We have limitations we've been given and some we've set on ourselves. We've convinced ourselves we aren't strong enough, deserving, educated enough. We've talked ourselves out of jobs, wins, successes, growth, relationships. We've caused problems. We've created mistakes. We've failed ourselves. We've been negative influences in our and other's lives. Yet, we miss the point of it all. We miss the lessons. Think. We've not stopped trying. We've not stopped dreaming. We've not stop giving ourselves chances. We've built foundations with layers of failures, obstacles, and adversity. We've used them as stepping stones to reach higher without even realizing it. Look around you. Look at what you've created. It didn't happen by accident. It didn't happen because everything was handed to you. You've earned it. You have emotional scars. You have hurt, pain, tears. Yet you've also found the good in it all. You've drawn from it when you needed to pick yourself up and kept moving forward. You have developed thick skin, experiences to share, built bridges for others to follow. The hand you have been dealt nobody else could have handled. You handled it, and here you are ready, willing, and able to handle the next hand you are to be dealt. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you know God has a plan for you. It's a plan only for you, and through your faith, your trust, your belief you will be ok.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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