Monday, November 30, 2020

Daily BITUB- “To Do Lists”

As I was sitting writing out things I needed to get done I started seeing a pattern emerge. Several things on the list didn't at all align with my priorities. Then I realized, as I looked back at my to do lists, that several of those things had been on there for a long time. While other things had come and gone quickly, efficiently, and with great care. The pattern was pretty evident after I allowed myself to see it. The greatest commitments are all tied to our values. They are infinitely linked to what is undeniably important to us. God, friends, family, faith... Foundations that keep us steady and we can build off of. The more things you put on that list that aren't tied, or related, to your values the more chance you have of never having enough time, desire, or need to complete them. You can't keep doing things, and putting things at the forefront, that are not at all aligned with your values. That's a recipe for setting yourself up to live an unfulfilled life as you encounter dead end after dead end and you just can't seem to figure out why. So, as I completed my list I intentionally crossed off the things that were not aligned with what is important, with my values, with what will make me and others better. It quickly went from a list of "I have to do" to a list that "I get to do"... And that makes all the difference.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you have the strength and the courage to refine your list. Make the things on it matter and choose the things that remind you exactly why they do. 

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy week everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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