Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Effort”

Our ability to dream, set high goals, persevere is a culmination of many contributors... Emotions, people, hurt, joy, highs and lows. We often overlook, and even dismiss, how much effort it took to keep going sometimes. To chase the dream despite the obstacles. To push ourselves despite the adversity. Remember that feeling. That moment you decided to not give up. Effort is only noticed when we have to exert it. After the fact we forget we did. We forget why we did. Things we have experienced, people in our lives, our faith through the storm is effort. It's us trying to keep going, to move forward, to figure it all out. Think about how intentional you can be in what you allow in your life and the impact it, or they, can be. You have had that courage to let go of things that you felt didn't matter and put things in your life that did. If you are surrounding yourself with naysayers, doubters, negativity then that's your output. Let it go. Ask yourself what in your life is adding value? What is not? Why are you letting the distractions of other's weaken your focus and energy? Effort. Real, honest, true effort will be many things, but it won't be something you can fake. It won't be something you will do if it doesn't matter enough for you to do it. It won't happen if you allow distractions to derail you. There are many contributors to how and why we live. Don't ever doubt that you and your effort are part of the biggest ones. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you have the strength to do what you feel. That you find the extra push in you to put forth the effort that makes those things that matter, matter more.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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