Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Daily BITUB- “Opportunity”

When an opportunity presents itself we may jump at the chance to have it. We may think it's our only option. We look for signs from God as to what we should or shouldn't do. After all we have been praying that an opportunity would present itself so clearly it's the one.  Maybe though because we have been starved for opportunity we think it's the best thing out there. Maybe we haven't really looked and evaluated it. Maybe we feel it's best not to take a chance and wait for the next one. What if nothing more comes our way? A lot of questions. The one question we should be asking is what have we have done besides wait for an opportunity to present itself? We should be going out and creating them. Maybe what's right in front of us is the opportunity, but we haven't pushed ourselves to elevate it. Maybe we haven't allowed ourselves to realize the full potential because we don't put in the work. There is always going to be something out there that looks better. There will be somethings that actually are, and some that simply have us hitting the reset button and not being accountable to what we have or have not created in this place. Remember God answers prayers, but it's up to us to realize our role in those answers. What is important to us? What sacrifices are we willing to make? Not just for us, but for the many in our lives that rely on us to make those decisions. There will always be opportunities. You must trust in God, trust in faith and believe that which ever opportunity you take it will be exactly the one God intended for you to.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you are able to fully embrace God's answered prayers. That you are able to find comfort in knowing He may not answer them the way you wanted, but He will always answer them as needed.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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