Monday, May 10, 2021

Daily BITUB- “Some Days”

"Some Days"

Some days are harder than others. Some moments are draining. Some things pull so much out of us we wonder how we can keep going. It's a series of setbacks. Then we start to cut corners, to push when we should pull, misstep after misstep. We know we are off course, but we refuse to stop long enough to regroup. We are watching our own train wreck happen right before our eyes. Then it happens. We hit a breaking point and it forces us to stop. We start to realize that we must get ourselves together. That this is on us. We control the outcome. We control the emotion. We control what comes next. It's a moment of clarity. A moment where we see the good that can come out of this if we let it. It's small, but it's a win. We see something that reminds us we are on the right path. We realize we are stronger than we thought. We see those setbacks for what they are. A setback, not the end. It's time to gather up the blessings, dig in on our foundation of faith, trust in ourselves to know what is best, and give the rest to God. He wouldn't have let us get to this moment if we weren't supposed to be here. This is where we belong, and where we are headed is going to be ok. Some days are harder, but most, if we truly pay attention, are not. That is what we must remember, and that is how we can and will keep going. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you have strength to keep pushing forward. That you stay the course. The destination will be worth it.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy week everyone. 

David "DC" Carrizales

"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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