Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Busily Blessed”

You know the hustle of life can get to you if you let it.  I found myself running from one place to another yesterday, and had a lot of pressing things at work to get done. Our daughter had a dance recital, our son a baseball game and then I had a client dinner to attend. I was thinking throughout the day how I was going to do it all and was blessed to have help along the way with some schedule changes that were much needed to make it happen.  I remember not too long ago someone telling me to cherish these moments. To enjoy the games, the recitals, the running around, because before you know it that ends. Not to mention it is a blessing to be busy at work because that means we have work. Thing is missing something that is important to us means it is already gone. There is no moment to cherish as we let it slip by. You can't get it back. I wonder how often people hear that, but don't really listen. I mean in the moment it is hard to listen when you are running ragged on some days, but listen we must. For Lent we are intentionally fasting from not complaining. So, that is step one. Not complaining about the busy days and really seeing them for what they are. That is hard to do, but honestly it really isn't. We can get wrapped up in the things we say we have to do, or we can be blessed by the beauty in understanding it is all something we get to do. Yes, we are able, capable, and have another day from God to be busy. So, yesterday I took a deep breath, gathered up my blessings, thanked God for my wife whose schedule of pick-ups, drops offs, meetings, is way more packed then mine. Then I decided that I would just be in each of those moments present with a grateful heart, a full heart, my attention on that moment, a nod to God to let Him know I am truly thankful and will continue to be for as long as I get to be busily blessed doing the things that I get to do.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you look at your days as opportunities. Opportunities to share, to experience, to be a part of life, to be in the lives of others and to enjoy the many moments you get to be busily blessed.

Have a blessed day all. 

"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

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