Monday, August 17, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Must Do List”

I often would look at my day and think about the things I didn't do. I had intended to get to certain things, but it didn't happen. So, I would sit frustrated that I didn't mark a thing off my to do list. I spent the rest of that evening writing tomorrow's list and the cycle often continued. It took me years to think about all the things that I simply overlooked that kept me from that list. The real priorities. The moments my kids would ask me to play or help them with something. The task that could have taken 30 minutes that stretched to a couple of hours because my son wanted to learn. The times I took a phone call from my Gpa and just laughed and talked instead of running out the door for an errand I had planned. The times I just sat and relaxed with my wife instead of checking emails. The moments texting and laughing with my family on group texts instead of rushing to something that could wait. Yes, there really are things that can wait. As hard as it is sometimes to realize, there are no guarantees we will get to have those special moments another day. It isn't until we can't that our appreciation of those moments become that much greater. Today, more than ever, I think about get togethers, trips, football games, reunions, and couldn't  have imagined how  precious those moments were. The last time I talked to GPa maybe I would have talked longer. The moments to pause and teach our kids, laugh with our family, cherish our spouse could all be gone in an instant. We must love our now. Cherish our opportunities to tell those we love that we do. Take the vacation days. Say yes when our kids want to talk, play, take a ride with us. Take walks with our spouse. Yeah, we may not get to our to do list, but maybe we start to appreciate our "must do more" list. I know I have, and the more intentional I start to give thanks to God for my moments the more I realize just how many I actually no longer want to overlook.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you pause to take in all that God provides. That you stop rushing from one thing to another and be present in the moment. Moments of joy, laughter, love and blessings.

Have a safe, blessed, and healthy week everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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