Monday, October 26, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Live The Life You Want”

You want it. You just aren't sure how it can work. You are aware of all the possibilities as much as you are unsure if it can happen at all. You keep talking yourself out of it. Keep making excuses. You tell yourself you couldn't possibly do anything you aren't sure of the outcome. Yet, deep down you know you can't let it go. You know you won't be satisfied unless you try. You have this feeling you want it and that you better go get it. You have to take risks. Life is full of them. You have to try things you never have if you want to reach places you've never been and feel things you never have. There is no perfect scenario. There is no perfect time. You make it time. You create the moment. We can't stay in this shell hoping that things will get better or that things won't get to us. Instead of holding ourselves back we have to let go and push ourselves. You have to branch out and experience. Invest in your dreams by putting in the time, the effort, the dedication necessary to achieve them. Make a promise to yourself and then own it. There isn't a "but, "what if", or a "maybe" in pursuing relentlessly those things that make us better, that bring us joy, fulfillment, excitement. You can be blessed and appreciate the opportunities all the time to do more, to be more, to give more, or you let them go by. Now is when you leap. When you have this feeling. You know it's right. Leap in faith, and trust that where you land will be that much closer to realizing just how beautiful living life can be. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you allow the moments in life to carry you to those places where you are able to experience the beauty of God's gift of life. Where you find your potential, your calling, your best self. Where you can be you.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy week everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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