Thursday, October 29, 2020

Daily BITUB- “You are equipped.”

When my daughter was born the nurse took her and I in a room as they were taking care of her mother. She did all sorts of things to clear my daughter's nose, eyes, mouth. I was thinking, why are you hurting my baby! She took measurements, and my daughter was screaming. Then she said, "here you go dad" and walked away. I was petrified. Filled with fear, but filled with love and a desire to overcome that fear and take care of this little girl in my arms. Funny how that works. Our instincts kick in and soon she stopped crying, and I couldn't stop. We are more equipped to handle life than we give ourselves credit sometimes. I used to fear the unknown. I mean, I wanted control and needed to plan. I've always believed that being afraid means it matters. You are afraid of failure to some extent, but maybe also afraid of success. Life is full of uncertainties. I used to hold back thinking I couldn't handle the disappointment of getting my hopes up for something only to be let down. As I got older I realized the real disappointment was not trying. Regret hurts more. We are equipped to handle it. Think about your first love and your first heartbreak. Your first job and the first time you decided you wanted to do something different. Think about the time you changed your major. Think about when you made a choice to stop drinking, smoking, or whatever bad habit you had. Think about your first time flying. Think about the first time you rode that roller coaster. Think about when you first climbed that tree. Think about the first time you fell out of it. All of those moments were firsts. Uncertainty. You didn't know what was going to happen, but you did it. You did it, you gained experience, you grew, you are better for it. The hardest moments, the most uncertain moments, the moments that make your pulse race and your heart beat faster, the moments you feared... You made it through it. You are here today. Doing nothing creates nothing. "You must do the thing you think you can not do." (Eleanor Roosevelt) That's how you overcome that fear and reach places you never imagined existed. You are better equipped than you think.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you realize that God is with you through all things. He is intentional and calls on us to trust Him. For in uncertain times know He is there. There as it starts, as it plays out, and when it is finished.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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