Monday, November 2, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Influence”

As I was sitting to write for today this post popped up in my memories. It was a reminder that I felt was worth sharing. With so much negative influence in the world we must do all we can to be the positive this world needs. As I've said so often, there is no shortage of doubt, it is the abundance of belief that often gets overlooked. 

Enjoy- "The Daily BITUB-October 2019" 

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time"- Maya Angelou 

Do you ever think what you are doing won't matter? Good or bad you may think nobody cares, is watching, is influenced, but they are. What we don't anticipate is how our choices can ripple throughout other's lives and our own. We might not even realize that impact for years to come until we come across somebody we influenced, or remember how someone influenced us. Again, good or bad. Try as we might to avoid making impacts throughout our journey we are going to. It may be a family member, a coworker, our person, our children, even complete strangers. We will make people feel, think, laugh, cry, doubt, fight, trust, give. We may be an answered prayer, a blessing, a reminder there is good in the world. We may be witness to others providing the same. We are all on this journey and how we use our influence matters. God gave us those opportunities and He died so that we may live. How will you live? How will you do what you can to live a life worthy of that ultimate sacrifice? How will you be grateful? Don't ever think what you are doing doesn't matter. It has, it does, and it will. Make your moments, be that influence that creates a better place, be your blessings, and be the best you that you can be. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you allow your influences to be positive and you surround yourself with God's many blessings. Remember the negative around you is never as powerful than the positive that resonates beyond you. 

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy week everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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