Friday, February 28, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Your goals don’t care.”

You frustrated? Worn out? Ready to throw in the towel? You've exhausted your excuses? Guess what? Your goals don't care how you feel. They aren't going to change. They aren't going to lower the bar for you. You can pretend that less than all is ok, but you know deep down it's not good enough. You know you aren't someone who settles. It applies to everything. Your faith, your relationship with God, your job, your health, your education, your experiences, your relationships. "If you know what you are worth, then go out and get what you are worth!" (Rocky) Go get it. It's not what we deserve, we need to earn it. Earn the right to be better, earn the right to love and be loved, earn your growth opportunities. Setting the standard starts with yourself. You aren't going to always have a great day, but that doesn't mean you can't do everything you can to make it great. Life is too short to waste moments. It's too short to let others dictate your worth. It's too short to sit, to settle, to sulk. Your goals don't care how you feel. You set them and now it is up to you to go get them.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is you realize your worth. You realize that you have the strength, the courage, the fortitude to accomplish whatever you need. You have God and you have His blessings today and every day.

Have a blessed weekend everyone. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Growth”

The real challenge of growth spiritually, mentally, emotionally comes when you get knocked down, pushed down, beat down. It is easy to have faith, be grateful, thank God when things are going well. Ironically though those are the times we don't talk much with God, and those are the times we tend to forget we had when life isn't going like we need it to go. We are quick to point fingers, to doubt, to become angry, to say things we don't mean, to hurt those closest to us. We start blaming God for our lot in life and we stop thanking Him for all the moments He provided us before, and fail to realize we have another day to influence the outcome that lies before us today. Sometimes I think about those moments where I said and did things I wish I hadn't. I can't say I regret them because regret doesn't change it. Accepting my shortcomings and my failure to be a good person, a grateful person, a blessed person is what's grounded me in reality. A reality that says we aren't perfect, but in God's eyes He already knows that, and in the eyes of those that know us best, so do they. Yet, in both those scenarios it is those people we live for and a God that died for us that we can lean on and realize we have so much more to give. That those moments of weakness can become our greatest moments of strength. That when we missed the opportunity to do good back then, we are here with an opportunity to do better now. These are the moments where our spiritual, mental, emotional strength reaches places we couldn't have reached if we didn't face the truth in who we are, what we have done, and all the things we are blessed with the opportunity to still do.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you allow yourself to accept that a miss today is not the end. It is the beginning, it is an opportunity, it is a moment where the influence of God can and should take hold of what we do next. It is a blessing that isn't coming in disguise, but rather coming head on at us allowing us to become better and to experience that growth we seek… Spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.
Have a blessed day everyone! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Work To Do”

Did you put in the work? Did you do what you said you were going to do? When you decided it was important you told yourself you would finish it and get it done. You said you wouldn't stop until you got there. So, what is the problem? A setback? Not moving fast enough? Maybe you are even a little scared about what you don't know? Tired maybe? Maybe it's all of it. Maybe it seems easier to stop here because the risk of trying harder might mean you fall harder. Yeah maybe so. Yet, I am not sure you are going to be satisfied with less than all. I am not convinced that this place you are in is where you want to be. Something tells me there is more to this. I keep looking at that determination in your eyes. I see glimpses of that moment when you first decided that you were going to chase this down still deep down in you. You want this, but make no mistake you are going to have to re-up that commitment. You are going to have to remind yourself constantly of your why and reinvent continuously your how. You said you wouldn't stop until you got there. You aren't there. So, get up! Refocus your faith! We have work to do and God willing we are going to finish this.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you take a moment to realize you are not in this alone. You have God, you have His blessings, you have a strength that lives in you that knows that when we talk about through God all is possible, we mean it.

Have a blessed day everyone. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Failure”

I read a comment yesterday about failure. Someone said they were tired of failing. They were tired of losing. I thought about it, and decided to chime in which initiated a one on one conversation. It was insightful to hear the reasoning behind their emotions, but I was still bothered by the notion of how they defined failure. Their assessment was 100% off the opinions of others. It was some grading system they devised in their heads about how others looked at them, how others judged them, how others dictated who and where they were. We have all been there and we've all allowed people to determine our worth. We've based our esteem off their measurement. A measurement you wonder how they themselves stack up against. It all really comes down to whose test are we taking. If we learn, grow, experience and come out with a better understanding is that a fail? Maybe we didn't reach that benchmark we set, maybe we faced setbacks, a loss, but if we find strength, wisdom, clarity was it a waste of our time? I've failed many times. I've lost more times. When I stopped letting others assess what that meant and became determined to use it and to grow then my "failures" started to have meaning. They started to become the catalysts for wanting more, doing more, being better than I was yesterday. Then wouldn't you know it God chimed in... I saw a post that said, "I am tired of failing, and God said whose test are you taking?" 

At the end of the day isn't that test the only one that will really matter?

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find the strength in experiences that shape you and that you allow those moments to bring you closer to God. 

Have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Monday, February 24, 2020

Daily BITUB- “It’s ok to not be ok”

We aren't always going to be ok. We won't always be able to fight. There will be moments we face ourselves and will be very convincing we aren't enough. Often nobody is harder on us then ourselves. We push our own buttons, we move ourselves into positions of doubt, we stop thinking we are capable of reaching our goals and we let ourselves quit. We stop seeing the good. We stop celebrating the victories and we stop noticing how much joy we bring to others. Life can be harsh. Understanding that and being honest about it can bring clarity. It helps us maneuver through it because we put it out there to see exactly what we must face to move forward. There simply isn't an easy path through some moments, but there is a path. The notion we can't isn't an option when we allow ourselves to get help, to be helped, to take that hand and lean on borrowed faith when ours simply doesn't feel like it's enough. God places the things we need along the way, but we must get moving along that way in order to find those things. We must trust enough to realize that the leap of faith we are scared to take will be worth it, and where we land will be where God wants us to land. It's ok to not be ok. Just allow yourself a moment to breathe, to get your footing on that foundation of faith, and to gather up your strength to carry what you can, because God will be there to carry the rest until you can carry it all... And if you can't fight today, "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." (Exodus 14:14)

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you are able to realize through all the moments, good and bad, God is traveling with you. He always has been and He always will be.

Have a blessed week everyone! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Questions and Answers”

What do you want to happen next?  What do you need to happen next?  Have you ever asked yourself those questions? Are you willing to be honest in your answers? You have to be. You have to put it on the table and realize where you are and where you want to go. You may find that your answers even surprise you. Listen to yourself. Find what matters. Find what's next. In doing that you may realize that you have been stagnant because you simply haven't pushed yourself enough to get to where you want to be. Transforming yourself into what you truly are capable of isn't ever going to be an easy route. It will take commitment, dedication and a focus like no other to make the changes you may need to make. For some it is a tweak in their lives, for others it may be a complete overhaul, but either way recognizing what you are searching for is setting the foundation for growth to get there.  Remember that our biggest blessings started somewhere.  Sometimes they started so small there was no way we could have realized the potential they would bring to our lives. That is until they became an essential part of who and why we are. That is until those blessings influenced us to change, grow, be! That is until we found those blessings to be the catalyst for more and they inspired us to challenge ourselves to be more! Think about your influence for others by understanding just how influential you need to be for yourself. You control your attitude, perceptions, emotions, circumstances. Motivate yourself by setting higher standards. Inspire yourself by your experiences and your past achievements. Give yourself daily feedback. Be open and honest with areas that YOU want to be better in. Then ask yourself again... What do you want to happen next?  What do you need to happen next? Ask and then give thanks to God for the opportunities you have every day to make this day the moment that set you on the path to becoming everything you knew you could be and everything God intended you to be. 
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find comfort in knowing you are capable of becoming whatever you need to become. Rest assured that along the way God will provide everything you need exactly at the moment you will need it.

Have a blessed day everyone. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Prayers and Thank Yous”

"I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right; but it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation may be on the Lord's side." - Abraham Lincoln

Prayer. We pray for so much. We pray for direction, understanding, material things, our country, one another, unseen things. This morning I woke up and prayed. I didn't ask for anything as I know that I have asked for things and already forgot what it was that I asked for. I forgot because God is constantly answering my prayers. He is doing things in my life that I don't' see, don't understand, don't appreciate. Think about that. We are walking examples of God's Grace, yet we question Him when things don't go as we planned them to go. He won't answer things as we want, but He understands what we need and he answers it that way. He knows the trials we are going to face before we face them. He knows the lessons we must learn. He knows the strength we will need so He prepares us now for bigger things to come. These moments aren't tests they are preparation, experiences, moments of faith and trust. I prayed this morning and didn't ask for anything. Instead I just said thank you for the day, thank you for my blessings, thank you for the people in my life that lift me up, thank you for giving me clarity to see things, thank you for the patience when I don't. Thank you God for allowing me the moments I don't deserve and another day to do all I can to try and earn the life you have given me.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer today is simply a thank you for all of you.
Have a blessed day all! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Better than Yesterday”

Over the years I have often started the day with telling myself to simply be better than I was yesterday. Now some days that worked out, but some days it didn't. Often the days that it didn't were the days I was focused on what others were doing.  The days I watched life go by rather than participating. The days I gossiped a little more, the days I wasn't kind, the days I decided I didn't want to help others… Those days I wasn't better. The days I didn't give my all, the days I let my team down, the days I let myself down. There were days that I got angry for no reason, and days I said things I wish I hadn't. There were moments I wish I could have taken back, but the damage was done… Those days I wasn't better. There were days I stayed in bed instead of going to church. Days I didn't pray for anything or anyone. Days I drank more than I should. Days I cussed more than I needed to. There were days I wasn't a good friend, wasn't a good husband, wasn't a good brother, father, Christian. Those days I wasn't better. There is an old Hindu Proverb that says, "The goal is not to be better than the other man, but to be better than your previous self." So, I don't judge others, I don't pretend that every day I will be better. I know that some days I am. Some days I will be. That everyday despite what I do, God still loves me, and God willing I get another day. Another day where I'll start by telling myself to simply be better than I was yesterday.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer today is that no matter what you did yesterday, you find the beauty, the comfort and the blessing in being able to do all you can to be better… In life, in love, in faith.
Have a blessed weekend all.

"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Learning”

I'm still learning. Life has a way of doing that to us. We are moving right along, and then something pops us to teach us our next lesson. Some of those are hard to accept and we try to push them away. After all what kind of lesson could be in something that doesn't feel good? Usually those are the biggest lessons we must learn. It seems like a joke doesn't it. Some of the things, people, situations that arise in our lives that make us laugh, so, we don't cry I guess. The punchline to that joke often feels like a punch in our gut. Though, God has a way of reminding of us of things in His way. We may have forgotten those times when we ran into a situation that we handled with ease, because we've seen it before. We handle it because we already have. We already learned that lesson. It was once a mountain and now not so much. So, the mountains in front of you today, well, those won't seem so high one day. Maybe it is your cross to bear in this moment so that you may help someone carry theirs later. Maybe it is simply God reminding you how strong you can be, so that one day you can hold someone else up. I don't pretend to know the answers, because, well, I am still learning. Though each morning I wake up, I thank God for the opportunity to be alive, and pray in thanks that I have another day to learn whatever lesson He has in store for me.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you learn. That you are open to whatever God has in store for you today. That you allow Him to be a part of you all the time in all things and see what He needs you to see, and know that things shall pass, but His love never will.
Have a blessed day everyone!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Mistakes”

Are you stuck on your mistakes? Are you running in circles creating a vicious cycle of pain that you can't seem to get yourself out of? You have to lay it down. You have to give it to God. You have to move yourself past it. I have had so many people tell me it isn't that easy, and you know what they are right. It's hard. I am still laying somethings down, and throughout the journey I have gone so far as to pick them back up. It is difficult to do the things we say we want to do, but not even trying can't be an option. Take it off the table. You have to try, you have to push yourself to get up, get out, and get on with it. The pain that you feel, the hurt, the fear, the emotions are real. If someone tells you they are not, they haven't felt that type of pain. It is real and dealing with it, facing it, taking God's hand and walking head on to it is the way. It is the only way! You may not lay it all down today, you may not lay it all down ever, but knowing you can, knowing you are not alone, knowing that there is a real thing called hope matters. You already have everything you need to do it. You can sit and look right at yourself and say that through God all is possible. It is all possible because God loves you and He is greater than any burden, any mistake, any problem you are facing. Lay it down and when you do, when you begin to break that cycle, you will realize all of it is gone "and these three remain faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13)

Believe in the a Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you look at what you are carrying and have the faith, see the hope, feel the comfort of God's love and know that when you are ready He is ready to take it from you.

Have a blessed day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Different Decisions”

I've thought about what it would be like if I had made some of the decisions in my life differently. Haven't we all? Camping there though can be a tough thing. Thinking about all the "what if" moments can create feelings of regret, anger, resentment. We can even convince ourselves that if we just had done something else a certain way that we wouldn't be where we are. Let that sink in for a moment. See, because if that is the case then the good moments wouldn't have happened either. The friends, the family, the trips, the laughs, the journey, the faith filled moments wouldn't exist. When I look back on life and the times I sat alone contemplating the "whys" I don't regret the choices I made, anymore that is. Instead I make choices now to do the things I should do. That may be to reach out to an old friend, to make amends with someone, to forgive, to ask for forgiveness. It may be a realization that there was no real defining moments, just a series of moments that helped us define what we wanted life to be and a better understanding today of how it can actually be that way. Every choice has an outcome. Every outcome has an impact. We get to choose the kind of impact it has on us, and then, and only then, do we get to take those moments and redefine not what they could have been, but what they actually were. A lesson, an experience, a moment of gratitude, a guiding light, a new beginning… A blessing.  
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you realize that there is no reason to regret when you have another day to do all the things that you simply want and have yet to do.

Have a blessed day everyone. Make it matter!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Monday, February 10, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Prepared”

I was re-watching Creed II this weekend. I love underdog movies, especially when people's biggest battle is themselves. There is a scene in the movie where Rocky is talking to Creed about the possibility of something not going as planned.  Rocky asks what happens if things aren't ok. Creed says, "You can't think like that Rock." Rocky says, "You kind of have to sometimes. You have to think what will you do and how will you react." 

While we shouldn't sit and dwell on the bad or be all doom and gloom, we have to be prepared. Things will happen, we will have disappointments, life won't always go as planned, but that doesn't change the plan. It doesn't mean we can't react with strength, courage and our values intact. It doesn't mean we stop pushing forward, fighting, believing and having faith. I get it, it's not easy. Sometimes life is one blow after another. Sometimes there is seemingly no end in sight. Yet, we've been there before and often the end of one chapter brings a new beginning. A beginning we get to create, to mold, to experience. We get to do it with wisdom we didn't have, with scars that show we can heal the hurt, with blessings that we've leaned on, been carried and held by. Yeah, sometimes you have to think about what you will do if things aren't unfolding like you wanted, but reassured, while you may not see it now, it is unfolding exactly as God knows it is needed.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you are able to see that while God doesn't always answer prayers like we want, He will always answer them exactly how we need them to be answered.

Have a beautifully blessed week everyone! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Friday, February 7, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Hold it Up”

This morning I wanted to repost something from a couple of years ago for someone that reached out to me yesterday. Someone that needed to hear it again. 

If you feel like your holding the world on your shoulders, then be grateful for the strength. It's easy to feel like it's not fair, to question why, to wish you didn't have to, but think about the reality and the truth that not everyone could carry such a load. Not many would even be willing to try. Yet here you are with faith, trust in God, belief that through Him all is possible holding up more than you ever thought you could. You don't even notice how many people look to you for inspiration. You overlook the people standing on that world you are holding up with the confidence they too can hold up theirs. You miss it so often. The abundance of belief that simply is so much more powerful than the doubt if you just let it be. The power of prayer, the determination in hope, the commitment in believing that God is giving you what you need. You have to live up to what you know is in your heart. You have to take all you know and then truly trust in God for what you don't. Then you push forward to be in that place... That place where you are in the moment God determines you need to be. Then you simply "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3: 5-6)

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find the courage and the continued strength to hold up, to hold on, to hold tight to what God has planned for you.

Have a blessed weekend all! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Helping Others”

Why wouldn't you help someone if you could? I know we are all busy, but we shouldn't allow life to get so busy that we aren't willing to lend a hand. Our world is full of people who need help and we have people close to us who fit into that category. We may miss them as often we are walking with head down completely focused on our needs. It's ok to be focused, but to be completely oblivious to things around you isn't necessary. I know we think someone else will do it, but why can't we be that someone else? Often people think it has to be monetary, but it doesn't. Often times people think they have to give up countless hours and days, but you don't. It can be as simple as helping someone carry a bag. It can be taking a moment out of your day to call someone who needs to hear a comforting voice. It can be a prayer in the morning for someone you know needs it. It can be a prayer in the evening that they find enough peace to rest. We all are blessed with moments to give back, to put others first, to do more beyond ourselves. We all have something to offer, but it's on us to want to offer it. God has a way of presenting us with things that we may think are small, but may be the prayer someone is asking for today. You may be that answered prayer! Then, if you think hard enough I can bet that at some point in your life someone did something for you for no other reason than they could, and so they did. I bet if you reflect enough you will remember how people stepped up for you in your time of need and maybe you didn't realize it then, but they were exactly the prayer you forgot you asked for. God is great that way isn't He? So, it isn't why wouldn't you help someone if you could… Rather we should all be thinking who can I help today. Chances are someone needs a reminder just how beautiful and good life and the people in it can be.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you see the blessings of answered prayers in your life and in other's lives. 

Have a blessed day every one! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Problems and Solutions”

We all have problems. We all have issues. None of us are perfect. None of us do the right thing every day. Let's face it we are all a work in progress. Though some people realize it, and are working hard to make the changes necessary to grow, develop, and be better. Some are studying harder, working out longer, taking time to develop their areas of opportunity. Some are grinding it out every day to live and realize their dream. Some are punching away at the wall in front of them because it matters to them and they are not going to stop until they get through. Some are reaching a peak they once thought impossible and climbing higher because they now realize they set the bar too low. Some already know they are going to be met with naysayers, obstacles, opposition, but they also know it is fuel to the fire and are not going to let it stop them from pushing on. Some put faith in God and the path He has laid out before them, but understand they have to do their part. It isn't one sided and things worth living for are not handed out freely. You have to earn that. You have to commit to that. You have to dedicate a part of you to knowing it matters, and the other part of you must chase it down like it does! We all have problems, but every problem simply needs you to unleash the passion that is there inside you and go out and find the solutions.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you realize that whatever you are facing, whatever wall you are standing at, whatever mountain you must climb that you realize you can. You can and you will! Allow yourself to feel the full strength of God and His blessings as they will be there in those moments you need them to help you when you feel like you can't.

Have a blessed day every one. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Daily BITUB- “The way things were.”

You are wondering how things could ever go back to the way they were. You think that from all that has happened it simply isn't possible. While we often want things to be as they were we need to think if we truly want it to be that way. After all the experiences that have shaped us would put those moments in completely different lights. We wouldn't be blessed with the lessons we had to learn. Things don't always get to be as they were, but we get to appreciate them, remember them, reflect on them, and then be present in the now. We get to see our life evolve and those in our lives evolve along with us. We get to understand things maybe we once didn't, and we get to share with others things we once couldn't. Our priorities are different, our focus is different, we are different. We may long for the good old days, but we are blessed with the opportunities to make today the best of days. To ensure we have no regrets, we don't let our relationships that matter slip away, we don't miss the opportunities to reach out to old friends, talk to our parents, play with our kids. These are the days where we wake up ready to live and we lay our heads down at night grateful and appreciative to God that we are able to.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you allow today to be the day you do something you know you should with the faith of knowing that through God you can. 

Have a blessed day every one! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Monday, February 3, 2020

Daily BITUB- “They”

 They use to control me. They use to make me feel small. They had too much power over me. They wanted me to be something I wasn't. They wanted me to chase their dreams not mine. They said I couldn't do it. They said I wasn't enough. They said I would never amount to anything. They kicked me when I was down. They refused to help me back up. They spread negativity wherever they went. They never loved the real me. They never intended for me to be anything they didn't want me to be. They had one goal… To make me them. That was until I figured out that they only had control over what I gave them control over. That they are not as powerful as our God. They don't control the blessings He gives us. They can't take away that Jesus died for us ALL. When I opened my eyes, when I became woke, I realized they were afraid that they couldn't keep up with us so they pushed us down. They won't do the hard things we will do and they don't like when we figure that out. They can't see that beyond our limitations is where our wildest dreams live. They can't cast shadows when our light is shining bright. They can't hold us back when we realize that the negative they surround us with is no match for the positive that resonates from us. Once you realize they can't stop you, that is when you realize you can be you. A you full of God's grace, full of His blessings, full of His love, full of faith on a journey where they, we, can all Believe in The Unbelievable that is us.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you realize that all you need is faith that God has you and that can carry you as far as you are willing to go.

Have a blessed week every one. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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